Excellence cluster proposal "INTERACT" in the finals

We congratulate Birgit Sawitzki, who, in co-spokesmanship with Wolfgang Kübler and an excellent team of scientists, has led the proposal for a new Excellence Cluster "INTERACT: INTER-OrgAn TrajeCTories to Multimorbidity" into the final of the competition. Berlin is thus sending a total of ten projects into the final round for the promotion of cutting-edge research.

Andreas Thiel
Spokesperson, Researcher, Facility Lead Cytometry

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Birgit Sawitzki
Facility Lead Genomics, Researcher, Si-M Council Member

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Leif Erik Sander
Si-M Council Member, Researcher

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Manuela Fiedler
Research Manager

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Sina Bartfeld
Co-Spokesperson, Researcher, Facility Lead Organoids

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