© Sina Bartfeld

Doctoral Network TOP-GUT

Training for Organoids modelling Physiology and Pathology in the human gastrointestinal tract

The interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral European doctoral network "TOP-GUT" has set itself the goal of training doctoral students in the field of innovative preclinical models with a focus on complex gastrointestinal models.
The project will be implemented by an international network of 21 partners from 7 countries, uniting biologists, engineers, pharmacologists, ethicists and lawyers. Academic partners from Berlin are the TU-Berlin (Sina Bartfeld, Medical Biotechnology, coordination) and the BIH (Birgit Sawitzki, AG Translational Immunology).

Birgit Sawitzki
Facility Lead Genomics, Researcher, Si-M Council Member

Lab Homepage

Sina Bartfeld
Co-Spokesperson, Researcher, Facility Lead Organoids

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