Charité | Sabine Gudath

Prestigous Max Rubner Award for project PERISKOP

The PERISKOP project around Zeynep Akbal including Si-M researchers Igor Sauer and Moritz Queisner aims to prepare patients for their hospital stay. Using immersive 360° films and virtual reality glasses, patients can experience clinical procedures and locations in real scale, in 3D, and from a first-person perspective. This helps them familiarize with the clinical environment before admission and potentially encounter anxiety-inducing situations. The project involves producing 360° films for various clinical departments such as anesthesia, intensive care, and obstetrics. These films are integrated into the clinical workflow to alleviate patient fears and enhance understanding of the treatment process. This benefits patients and also the medical staff who deal with patient anxieties daily.

Igor Sauer
Si-M Council Member, Researcher

Lab Homepage

Moritz Queisner
Lead XR Lab, Si-M Council Member, Researcher

Personal Website