Architect: Telluride | Image: Imagina Visual Collaboration

Simulierte Mensch

We simulate human physiology and pathophysiology and develop innovative analytical processes for human cells and tissues.

Si-Mposium 2024

Save the Date: 12. September 2024 @ Amplifier Berlin
Keynote Speakers:
Milica Radisic, Alexandre Loupy and Lauriane Cabon

Opening in 2025
The construction at Campus Seestraße in Berlin-Wedding will be finished by the end of 2024, with our doors opening in early 2025.

Joint research building
Here, scientists from the Technische Universität Berlin and the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin work together on joint projects.

Human models
We simulate physiology and pathophysiology in human model systems in vitro and in silico for a better understanding of health and disease.


Our Vision

Learn more about our vision to simulate the human physiology by interconnecting engineering and medicine in a cooperative research space.

Who we are

Who are the people of the Si-M?
We want to introduce ourselves.

Our partners

Der Simulierte Mensch (Si-M)
Amrumer Str. 33
133353 Berlin

Please contact our scientific coordinators
Jennifer Rosowski or Shirin Kadler per e-mail

Postal address (until opening)

Der Simulierte Mensch
c/o Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Geschäftsstelle Charité 3R
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin